
Semi-professional personal website of Lance Orner. Changes at whim.

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Green Tomato Pickle Recipe Card

December 1, 2024

This is the Family Recipe for “Green Tomato Pickle”, which is mostly used as a topping for a pot of beans. Sweet, vinegary, and a bit of cloves.

I went through some old files, and found the oldest family reference to this recipe, from Great-Grandma Box herself, and it’s dated 1917.

Recipe Card

My PetRecipe for Green Tomatoe Pickle

Take 8 lbs. green tomatoes + chop fine.  Add 4 lbs brown sugar and boil
down 3 hours.  Add 1 qt vinegar, 1 teaspoon each of Mace, cinnamon, cloves, and
boil 15 minutes longer.  Put into jars and seal.  Good on meats and beans. From
Mrs. Scott at Trinity Center 1917.

About Us

October 6, 2024

Family in 2024

Lance Orner currently works at Oracle as “Principle Member of Technical Staff” which is a fancy title for a Senior Software Engineer. Currently working on custom internal web applications using Python and Django to manage thousands of Oracle cloud assets, along with writing custom scripts and utilities to reports on asset management and issues.

Michelle Orner is at Renown Rehab Hospital in Reno, where she continues to apply her extensive nursing skills to help patients recover and regain their independence.

Roby the Costerbot

October 6, 2024

This is from 2010. We were building little Adruino robots using CD platters as a platform. Sarah was fascinated.

Sarah and Roby Costerbot

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March 26, 2024

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